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Page Container

A component that wraps page content and provides a title, breadcrumbs, and page actions.

PageContent is the ideal wrapper for the content of your dashboard. It shows the current page title, and provides breadcrumbs to navigate back into the current hierarchy. It makes your page responsive through the use of the Material UI Container component under the hood.

Just like DashboardLayout, PageContainer uses the navigation structure that is defined in the AppProvider to build up its breadcrumbs and title.


Page content
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Title and Breadcrumbs

The breacrumbs are formed by matching the current pathname with the navigation structure defined in the AppProvider. The title of the matched segment is used as the page title. You can override the page title with the title property.

For example, under the following navigation structure:

  branding={{ title: 'ACME' }}
      segment: 'home',
      title: 'Home',
      children: [
          segment: 'orders',
          title: 'Orders',

The breadcrumbs contains ACME / Home / Orders when you visit the path /home/orders, and the page has a title of Orders.



You can configure additional actions in the area that is reserved on the right. To do so provide the toolbar slot to the PageContainer component. You can wrap the PageContainerToolbar component to create a custom toolbar component, as shown here:








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The Page Container component inherits the properties of the Material UI Container component. You can use its maxWidth and fixed properties to control the bounds of the page.


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.